Sawa UNDP Unique X

Unique X Provides Continued Support To Sawa And UNDP Initiatives – ‘Don’t Choose Extinction’

Dublin, Ireland — May 12th, 2022

World-leading cinema software and content delivery company, Unique X is proud to confirm our continued support for the United Nations Development Programme and SAWA Global Cinema Advertising Association awareness initiatives.

With a global release date of 11th May, the worldwide campaign, ‘Don’t Choose Extinction’ is the basis of an eight-week international cinema advertising and social media campaign aimed at raising awareness of the climate emergency and spurring broader, urgent action to address it.


Unique X is honoured to have undertaken the mastering and distribution responsibilities of the DCP spot on behalf of SAWA for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

For more information about the “Don’t Choose Extinction” advertisement and campaign, please visit


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