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Unique X launches RosettaLive online Booking Portal

Dublin, 25.09.2020.

Unique X is pleased to announce the go live of the RosettaLive online booking portal. For those cinemas with a RosettaLive streaming device, the portal simplifies the process of booking a streamed event to any connected cinema without the need for additional cinema equipment. The portal represents a major step forward for all cinema users wanting a simple and transparent booking process for event content, all you will need is a RosettaLive streaming device, the URL of your stream and your cinema projectors.

With the increasing footprint of RosettaLive content streaming devices in Cinemas worldwide, the release of the online booking portal simplifies the task of Exhibitors booking content at their convenience.

Choosing content can now be driven by Exhibition. The RosettaLive portal allows cinema users to book the streaming of any content they have sourced – just enter the stream URL and the selected cinemas for exhibition. RosettaLive is not just easy to use and install but it is also cost effective compared to using satellites, this will particularly benefit smaller distributions. 

RosettaLive provides an easy alternative method of sourcing content, which is really important during this time in which traditional cinema content is being limited due to the pandemic. With RosettaLive enabled for live streaming events,  Zoom conferences and Twitch content, RosettaLive is offering a real alternative for Exhibitors to source original and exciting content for their patrons.

Roger Harris, CEO of Unique X commented “For too long the process of sourcing, booking and receiving non Feature content to Cinemas has been overly complex. Our RosettaLive initiative goes a long way to making this process easier and more transparent. RosettaLive allows exhibitors to make their own content deals and leave the delivery of that content to Unique X’s technology”

The RosettaLive Booking Portal is available to all users of RosettaLive, simply contact Unique X to have your access setup –

About Unique X

Unique X is a brand for the future of digital cinema, providing intelligent autonomous solutions and content services.

Unique X operates in 70 countries globally. To date, more than 75 million GB of data have been transferred, and over 62 million advertising playlists have been delivered.

Solutions include RosettaBridge Theater Management System, RosettaNet Estate Management System, Movie Transit (DCP Content Delivery Network), Basekey (KDM management), RosettaPOS (Point of Sale), RosettaLive (Event Streaming) and our pre-show products of Advertising Accord, Ad Transit and Smart Trailering.

Unique X – Fully Autonomous Cinema Software & Solutions

Contact for more information – +44 (0) 161 457 0050

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