Happy International Woman's Day

The Women Behind Unique X: Role Models and Advice

This blog is dedicated to the women that work at Unique X 

Dublin, 08.03.2021.

For the last segment in celebrating International Women’s Day, we will be looking at role models and advice the women at Unique X have to share with us. 


Question: Which mentors or role models have positively impacted you in your career, and what’s one lesson that they taught you?

I have been fortunate enough to work with some incredibly talented people and some of the most valuable advice they have given me would be to always trust your instincts, have confidence in yourself and don’t be afraid of taking chances and making mistakes.

Tracey Wilson, Finance Director 



My main mentor is Chris Hagan, he has supported me massively. He is an amazing entrepreneur. He has built a fantastic company and has a brilliant team. I always feel better after I have spoken to Chris. His confidence has rubbed off on me, I do thank him for his support over the last 18 years and Phil of course! 

Catherine Gavin, Group Treasurer



My older brother taught me that I should do my job well so that when i’m not here it is noticeable. 

Ingalill Åsnes, NOC Support Technician



I have had a couple of good mentors, even the ladies on this call. Tracey helps me on a weekly if not daily basis and Roger. He has actually been a great mentor, especially since coming into Unique X, it has at times been quite overwhelming with how much support he has offered. One lesson I learned from my previous mentor was, I messed up on something and I got really upset and she asked me, has anyone died? If not then it’s not worth crying over. Everything is fixable, there is always a solution to a problem.

Shell Morrissey, HR Administrator 



I also had some great mentors, the greatest one was a man. He would invest a lot of time in helping me grow and challenging me. He told me to be confident and trust myself and that everything would be alright. Another manager told me that every struggle would have a positive outcome. You would be stronger, you would have more knowledge and know how to manage stuff better. It helped me see things in a positive way. 

lucia Sosa Dalmaud, Sales Assistant



My previous manager made sure everything went well for me, he even texted me on the day of my interview at Unique X and wished me good luck and told me I would get it. My next mentor is Dylan, he is the biggest support I’ve had. He had to completely train me while doing his own job. The support he gives me is unreal and he has been amazing. 

Kirsty Dunn, Account Manager 



I have been working with Ørjan and Eyvind since I started and they have 100% been in my corner, throwing me out to do presentations at Finish and Norwegian conferences and they have been amazing. Before that I worked in the cinema and the CEO would introduce me to people and say this is Nina, she is really going places and that stuck with me. He made sure I got a foot in the cinema industry. 

Nina Tryggvadottir, Marketing and Event Coordinator


I think for me Roger is the biggest mentor, you can go to him with anything. It’s just nice to be in the company, where everyone gets on and it doesn’t matter which department you’re from. That’s why I have stayed with the company, it’s like a family. 

Alex Smith , Social Media Executive


‘When thinking about this important day it reminds me of the significant technical and commercial contributions my female colleagues have made to the growth of the Unique business and the key role they will play in our future plans.’ Roger Harris, CEO of Unique X.

Special Thanks To All The Women that Contributed To This Blog!


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