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The Women Behind Unique X: Role Models and Advice
This blog is dedicated to the women that work at Unique X Dublin, 08.03.2021. For the last segment in celebrating International Women’s...
The Women Behind Unique X: Learnings and Advice
This blog is dedicated to the women that work at Unique X Dublin, 08.03.2021. For the second segment in celebrating International Women's...
The Women Behind Unique X #ChooseToChallenge
This blog is dedicated to the women that work at Unique X Dublin, 08.01.2021. International Women’s Day for me is about celebrating the...
National CineMedia and Unique X Sign AdvertisingAccord Deal
New Long-Term Agreement Brings Unique X’s Pre-Eminent Theater Advertising Platform to the U.S. Market Centennial, Colo. and Dublin,...
Introducing Our 2021 Film and Content Solutions
Dublin, 26.01.2021. With the new year having begun, we would like to reacquaint you with some of our content solutions and their key...
New Year: New Cinema Software Solutions
Dublin, 13.01.2021. 2020 was a year in cinema that most of us would like to forget, these unprecedented times forcing every operator to...
RosettaLive: Premier League and The Gorillaz Concert
Dublin, 15.12.2020. This has been a very busy and exciting season for Unique X, we are proud to announce that over the weekend The...
Unique X Launches SmartTrailering Upgrade
Dublin, 07.12.2020. Unique X is proud to announce the latest software upgrade of SmartTrailering. SmartTrailering is the only software...
Unique X Launches RosettaNet Version 5
Dublin, 01.12.2020. Unique X is proud to announce a major new software upgrade release of RosettaNet Version 5, this cinema software...
Unique X Launches RosettaBridge TMS Version 5
Dublin, 11.11.2020. Unique X is delighted to announce a major new software version release of RosettaBridge TMS, to maintain its market...