Happy International Woman's Day

The Women Behind Unique X: Learnings and Advice

This blog is dedicated to the women that work at Unique X 

Dublin, 08.03.2021.

For the second segment in celebrating International Women’s Day, we will be discussing what the women working in Unique X have learned from their experience in software and any relevant advice they may have.


Question: What is something you have learned working in software? Do you have any advice for women?

Don’t be scared, be confident and be you. 

Shell Morrissey, HR Administrator 



There are so many opportunities for women in technology, it is a very exciting and fast paced environment to work in.  My advice would be to be prepared for and embrace change.

Tracey Wilson, Finance Director 



I started working here in the middle of lockdown and I reached out to a lot of people myself and I made sure I got as much training in separately to what my boss gave me because I wanted to make sure I learned as much as I could. I set time out as well to do a lot of reading – this is what I would advise. Reaching out to different people in the company was also helpful. 

Kirsty Dunn, Account Manager 



Don’t be afraid to ask questions even if those questions aren’t part of your project, they will help you get a general understanding of the business. 

Nina Tryggvadottir , Marketing and Event Coordinator



Women have a much easier time in tech than men, men are more willing to help women. It’s much easier being a woman to get an answer as well. You might feel like you are the only woman but there are actually a lot more women than what it seems like. 

Ingalill Åsnes, NOC Support Technician



What I learned from working in tech was that things sound very difficult but when you ask for an explanation, it is easy. It is not that difficult, if you have someone willing to help. 

Gintarė Kulbytė, Scrum Master 



I have been working in the tech industry forever, so for me this is normal. I feel there is a misconception associated with the software industry but then you join and you see that there are people that are always willing to help. Ask questions, try to understand, read and don’t be afraid. 

Lucia Sosa Dalmaud, Sales Assistant




‘When thinking about this important day it reminds me of the significant technical and commercial contributions my female colleagues have made to the growth of the Unique business and the key role they will play in our future plans.’ Roger Harris, CEO of Unique X. 


Special Thanks To All The Women that Contributed To This Blog!

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